Saturday, August 11, 2007

Communal Ragging in Aligarh Muslim University

After discussing the draconian experiences of ragging it would be pertinent here to mention the communalism of Aligarh Muslim University in ragging, which is a particular trait of this varsity. The type of queries asked by the senior Muslim students and the way with which the questions are put lucidly proves the students to be very communal and their revulsion for others. The queries generally involve the religious angle and are often derogatory and hurting to the sentiments of the Hindu students.

The compendium of the queries which are asked by the senior students from the Hindu students are as follows:

1. “Why have you come from Mathura/Ayodhya/Banaras to Aligarh? Why did you not go to Banaras Hindu University”?
2. “Why don’t you use the word “Banaras” in place of Varanasi?” (This is done so that the other Muslim students may get confirmed that a Hindu lad hails from a pure Hindu religious place)
3. “How do you perform Puja?”
4. “How is Puja different from Pooja?”
5. “Why do you worship crores of gods and not one like us and how god can be in crores?”
6. “What is the relevance of Gayatri Mantra?”
7. “Why are the temples of Northern India so congested?”
8. “How can you say that Sita was chaste and pure even though she remained in Ravana’s captivity for a long time?”
9. “If Ram was god and had extraordinary powers then why he could not fathom the true nature of the deer, which he chased for a long time?”
10. “Why is Ganesha having trunk of an elephant?”
11. “How is “Sun” or “Surya” a god”?
12. “Why do you burn a corpse?”
13. “Who composed the Vedas”?
14. “If you do not know the real author of the Vedas then why do you have faith in it?”
15. “What crime did Kanchi Sankaracharya commit because of which he was arrested on Diwali?”
16. “Why do the Naga sadhus holler and remain naked?”
17. “What is the significance of having a Tilak on the forehead?”
18. “Did Mahabharata really happen or is it a Myth?”
19. “What favour did Akbar do for the Hindus?”
20. “Why has Mahatma Gandhi called Hindus as cowards?”
21. “Why do you worship idols”?
22. “Do you vote for BJP”?
23. “Who is better- Sir Syed Ahmad Khan or Pandit Madan Mohan Malviya”?
24. “Have you learned the Tarana of AMU”?
25. “Why Hanuman looks like a Bandar”?

Such queries are asked by the senior skunks not only to regale themselves but also to confuse and humiliate the Hindu students. One of another reason for asking these questions is to show the Hindu religion in a deteriorated way. A common Hindu student gets stupefied and perplexed after listening to the questions and majority of them remain mum. Even some of the above mentioned queries were put to me and I was too unable to answer them at that point of time.

Albeit ragging for a new co-religionist is generally not severe because he comes up to be a relative or crony of any senior student or he has some known hidden well wishers there but it is severe for Hindu students because majority of them are new and do not know anyone and their well wishers remain absent. This provides an impetus to the Muslim students to ask ignominiously communal questions. The severe ragging includes within itself hurling frequent abuses and invectives with name-calling, calling Hindu students unwanted and undesired guests, using word “Kandhu” (which means “Kafir” or “Non-Muslim”) for them. Some Hindu students even receive thrash or blow for no mistake. I have personally witnessed students being beaten up or scolded simply because of being Non-Muslim (This is not done directly but indirectly, under the garb of some suitable event or opportunity). This humiliating demeanor is never done with any Muslim student, reason being the religion.

Imposition of the new Culture

A Hindu student in the University is directed many times during ragging to adopt the culture of the Varsity, which means that they should greet the others with the word “Salam-e-walequm” and “Walequm Salam” and never by “Namaste” because they are obligatory here. The students will have to follow the Muslim culture and traditions. The students should not worship their Gods or have any images or calendars (religious) in their rooms because it is strictly prohibited in Islam. Hindu girls are asked by their seniors to wear salwar, dupatta etc and not Jeans or T-shirts. Skimpy and revealing clothes are strictly prohibited. Though wearing burqa is never asked for but being too much modern is often restrained. Students are asked not to wear “Kalawa” or have “Tilak” on their forehead. Shorts are hated the most. Hindu students are asked by the seniors not to break any tradition or custom of the Varsity but they themselves do the same. All this confirms how much disgracing, torturing and communal ragging is done in the precincts of the Aligarh Muslim University with Non-Muslim students, especially with the Hindus.


Anonymous said...

These questions are derogatory, and perhaps uncalled for in such a prestigious institution. Agreed. But why dont we see the other side of the coin? We call them "cultureless", but then what are we? What have we Hindus done? We broke the Babri Masjid on the pretext that it is Ram janmabhoomi. Do we know where He was born? He was born in Kaushalya's womb. And so is every child. Our great Hindu "leader" Sri Sankaracharya said in a press conference, when asked about the Gujarat riots, "Every action has an equal and opposite reaction". A spiritual leader who is supposed to spread peace is saying this! Justifying the riots and the killings of innocents! The preachers of Hindutva, our BJP party, long time back during elections in Gujarat, while delivering a speech, called upon a girl and pointing towards her said "..this girl has been raped. We will ensure that this does not happen to any other woman..". Is this our Hindu culture that we call upon a girl who has already been raped and announce the same in front of everyone including the media??
We call Ram the perfect husband! Are we justified? For me He is not even fit to be called a husband leave alone being perfect. When Sita came back, after the great war, He asked her to give agni pareeksha. Why? Because He wanted to prove to the world that He is perfect??? Whom did Sita marry? Ram or 'samaaj'? And if Sita lived away from Rama, He too stayed away from Her. So why did He not give agni pareeksha? He sent Sita to the forest when She was carrying Lav-Kush! Why? All because a washer said something about Her? And we call Him the perfect husband!! Ram would have lost the war before even fighting had Sita listened to Ravana. Kaikeyi had asked Ram to go to the forest. Sita, like Urmila, could have sat in the palace. But she chose to go with her husband!
We Hindus pray to various Goddesses like Saraswati, Laxmi, Durga and Kali. But at the same time we practice female foeticide! We continue our practices of dowry, sati, bride-burning!
I am sorry. If this is what Hindu culture means, I am very ashamed to call myself a Hindu.

Anonymous said...

This comment goes for the ass hole who has put comment on this blog saying against Hinduism & Hindus

First of all you are coward that you came with Anonymous name

Second you talk bull sht as none of your sentences have any relevance with the subject

Third if Babri Masjid was broken...ass hole muslims came to India as invaders. They never owned anything accept some sand in deserts. They looted, killed, raped innocent people

Fourth do you know there are 36 different wars going in this world & all of them have muslims involved in it comments of Annie besant, Einstein & various other philosophers, scientists...they wrote all this years back when India was not even developed that if world has to not end in self destruction then adopt Hidutva.

Sixth...sanskrit is the mother of all languages & brittanica claims India to be the cradle of all races

Seventh...Foetecide is not done by our religion or goddess. It is done by ass hols like you. OURS is the only religion which has never invaded any other religion or civilization in its 10000 years of history.

Read Ramayana & Mahabharta completly you son of a Bich. Little knowledge is too dangerous

Certainly you should be ashamed of yourself. Cause just because of some shit holes like you our cultural boons like Yoga is being patent by Foreign countries(US) & we are loosing our culture. Shame on you...I wish there was a way people like you could be thrown out of community

"Democracy is the biggest shit as it gives rights to those people too who don't deserve it"

Dont ask abt Muslim culture. The most disgsted culture & people I can talk about are MUSLIMS. If I start speaking it might take days for me to narrate there digust.

Anyone needs more details on our great culture can send me an email at

A true Hindu
Anuj Bhaskar

Anonymous said...

This comment goes for the ass hole who has put comment on this blog saying against Hinduism & Hindus

First of all you are coward that you came with Anonymous name

Second you talk bull sht as none of your sentences have any relevance with the subject

Third if Babri Masjid was broken...ass hole muslims came to India as invaders. They never owned anything accept some sand in deserts. They looted, killed, raped innocent people

Fourth do you know there are 36 different wars going in this world & all of them have muslims involved in it comments of Annie besant, Einstein & various other philosophers, scientists...they wrote all this years back when India was not even developed that if world has to not end in self destruction then adopt Hidutva.

Sixth...sanskrit is the mother of all languages & brittanica claims India to be the cradle of all races

Seventh...Foetecide is not done by our religion or goddess. It is done by ass hols like you. OURS is the only religion which has never invaded any other religion or civilization in its 10000 years of history.

Read Ramayana & Mahabharta completly you son of a Bich. Little knowledge is too dangerous

Certainly you should be ashamed of yourself. Cause just because of some shit holes like you our cultural boons like Yoga is being patent by Foreign countries(US) & we are loosing our culture. Shame on you...I wish there was a way people like you could be thrown out of community

"Democracy is the biggest shit as it gives rights to those people too who don't deserve it"

Dont ask abt Muslim culture. The most disgsted culture & people I can talk about are MUSLIMS. If I start speaking it might take days for me to narrate there digust.

Anyone needs more details on our great culture can send me an email at

A true Hindu
Anuj Bhaskar

Unknown said...

wellllllllllllllll it really has perplexed my mind after reading the article and then further reading the comments..............................................................................its a matter of shame and disgust for all we indians that we believe on such an article .......which puts up things in spicy n saucy ignite the universal brotherhood that we hindus n muslims have............................................................................................its bcoz of only these elemnents that we encounter riots iin our nation...........................................brothers lets not forget...........we r one n will continue to remain one.......refarin from such nuisance which can ignite our minds with fuel of hatred...


Anonymous said...

hi, good site very much appreciatted